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نقاش المستخدم:Aboelkasmelahmed/أرشيف 1

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أرشيف 1

National ignorance and the State Islamic

There is no doubt that many of those who think they sat in the Ottoman occupation of the Arab States did not inform the mind that there never has been the implantation of European colonization of teeth is not already in the Arab lands but in the Arab people as well. Thus, simply sat Alqumieon Arab secularists weaving imagination based on the Arab glory vestige of Arab nationalism and pride in all the pride and Balfronip Babylonian and Assyrian, Phoenician and other civilizations in the Arab world before the emergence of the sun of Islam. I started to think even in the form of flags of Arab States, which will help the colonial powers in the attainment of religious stability of the Ottoman ... the national flag must be of four colors white, green, black and red. Thus, Arab nationalism Bdat overflow-round vote on the surface driven by the revolutionary forces Amtha euphoria force obtained by the coup in Egypt, Syria and Iraq after the overthrow of government property, which were less corrupt prosecutors so that they entered the conduct of the French revolution, the elimination of the Holy Covenant of God to the king that his governing ... People forget or pretend to forget the existence of God and religion, including the National has already Barop not adhere to Islam and its link, which calls for the union coalition and non-partisanship stirring ..... Even after their freedom from European occupation was to simplify the power different parts of the Islamic world, believing that economic colonialism by the military to be forgetting that the attack of the colonial European countries after the industrial revolution of the strong roots and a natural extension of the Crusades on the Islamic world and the first target it is to eradicate Islam from the basis of that .... and the Crusader States finally succeeded in the destruction of the basis of the Islamic religion by the Islamic government is a nationalism of the Arabs find themselves at a crossroads. Now the Arabs have returned back to the history .... Ignorance at the different tribes were in the Arabian Peninsula. And why not, they are now Arab countries lag behind different systems and their wishes and interests of their governments seeking more attention from their people to stay in the centers of attention of government and became the characteristic feature of the times. Secularism has become the new religion of these ... and became the first enemy and terror is that they embodied the Islamic State, which reached its maximum expansion of a cohesive staff in the era of Alwaleed bin Abdulmalik even exceeded that entered France in the era of Hisham bin Abdulmalik The hand will have the moral high ground in Europe will not God and his will. It has become all of those who call upon the Islamic terrorists and Islam has become synonymous with terrorism is in their dictionary, and became enemies of the nation and to be informed that we know are those who strive in Allah, for prosecutors to worldly ambitions and that they are terrorists Alqub Glaz want to abuse the image of Islam against the West and Icohoha. First: the secular and nationalist. And national meaning in the linguistic term may be derived from the people ... a people and peoples, which means a collection of people adhere to certain intolerance for certain tribe. And the principle of raising the principle of nationalities outside of Islam as if it is against the attitude of Islam, is not that we have people below the others and that all people have their religion and nationalism came to us after the able people of Western culture, society and the East might be Tzdad growing demands to drop the provision of Islamic religious and installed by the legislature in Book and Sunnah and the establishment of the rule when the slogan of a national religion of God and the homeland for all applied the principles of secularism and Islam, it is only in the mosque. Arab nationalism and a large spreading in Syria, Egypt and Iraq to get rid of the rule of the Ottoman Empire after the fall of the Ottoman Islamic Alsultny by the spread of secular national culture between the secular Arab states to establish a "zero introduction of religion in politics Madjahd all over for him, those who opened the country, smashing idols and broke empires and conquered Kisra Caesar and the fall of Islamic rule and governance Icomy Jahili based on ignorance and support of ethnic Arabs, has become the pre-day, live like an Arab tribe whose shiukh and its flag and its rule and became the focus of all their dreams in the establishment of Arab unity and a single Arab state stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf. Even this will not succeed in setting them up with the League of Jewish eagle between the two wings of the Arab African and Asian Upholsters ....... not only nation to stand by the Islamic State Tmdt power to parts of the Islamic world in one country, one governor, one law, that is the Book of Allah and the Sunna Nabih.

Second: the Islamic state. What scares the West and the whole world from the return of Muslim sovereignty as it was during the Umayyad and Abbasid is their adult .... That a nation that sleeping under the earth with all its strength and resources and Bmaatmlleke the date of the restoration of its statehood and the imposition of Great Hariatha divine revelation, which came on the Chosen by God bless and peace be upon him. For this fight, even with all the malice of doing this for his people, therefore, imposed on us freedom, and secularism and Aldemutracip Maaly even erase from our minds and God's provision Cbura Nabeeh years has succeeded with many. Amounted to inform him of the Islamic state unless the empire before, What Afghanistan has been the civilization and history from the face of the earth, it has been the death of the Prophet years to become a state of Islam stretching from the west as far as Bhrazlmat East China Sea, the Ural Mountains and from the north until the south of the headwaters of the Nile did not reach the property or power Conquistadors arrived for him and for the caliphs and Aalaxander Aqbar and Napoleon and the Great Abretania The banner of jihad was raised and the famous sword in the face of the State of Islam Igro and corruption, which was ravaged in the communities it served, which collapsed in the Muslim community, which relied on the strict application of Islamic law and zero tolerance with the extent of the limits of God. Reasons that prevented the Islamic State: There is no doubt that the nation has achieved in the past, since those victories, the enemies of Islam, later that Ikhavoha and work by all means not to establish the Islamic state had therefore come to the crusade and Jewish conspiracies to several of the most important and most dangerous:

First, regimes in the Islamic world

Should have been a large wall at home is an obstacle between the nation and the will to protest and the European Union and the establishment by the end of all diseases, the nation and defeat and the start and had its golden age, this constraint represented in the aftermath left by the colonial campaigns Asalepiep when moved away from Islamic countries, which has occupied since the beginning of the twentieth century So far, that has Tails Bdat inflation and access to the seats by force of movement of the eyes hidden from the West and the regimes that imposed their status from the European and the constitutions of the order of Islamic law and the Sunnah of the Prophet and the squad had enabled secularists, communists and Almhagafiin of Zionism and promoted more than their owners and prevent them becoming the nation of jihad, the opening of The fire door and prevent Nverh victory for the Mujahideen, and even with the enemies of the nation Iharbohem the pretext that they are terrorists And eliminating them is the first step on the way to revive the glory of Islam. Second: The Jewish League It is intended here by the enemies of Islam Qmamathm collection from around the world and thrown into the land of Palestine under the name of the State of Israel and Zionism has succeeded, unfortunately, far from achieving the first logo (_ from the Nile to the Euphrates, the home the Children of Israel) is another obstacle to the development of non-establishment of any union between the Islamic forces in the Arab zone Msrwalcham, Iraq, and has managed to earn Taiid client regimes in the Muslim world to recognize and deal with them formally or reality is these were the first Palestinians themselves call for a Palestinian state alongside the State of understanding of this garbage pigs recognize the right of Jews to them in the ground and accept the crumbs if they took them or something set up alleged that a Palestinian state alongside the State of pigs in addition to recognition of the Arabs and those dealing with them, but Nasrthm economically. Third: innovation, parties and sects And examples of the Shi'ites and Shi'ites, political parties and intellectual communities and cultural and literary intellectuals Alambtdein secular scholars and scientists from the hypocrites, and other rulers. Fourth: The Crusaders And those of everyone they Aikhvon of allied forces to eradicate Islam, Sorry for the transfer of their dictionary meaning of terrorism in Islam and these do not need one to explain or interpret Iodham Should we as Muslims by the Arabs that we are dropping, and hold nerve Barop Ansail Islam and Muslims, or the sex of a distinction between him and the other is the Arab Ajami Flavdil Alabaltqoy someone must know that all of the war, which we managed and driven Asalepiep Zionist infidel and hateful, but what a war to eradicate the Islamic faith Having failed to demolish the Islamic religion from the staff of failing to tell them falsify the book and the Prophet and if he says this must be trained to be Jihad Koran and guiding Balsahabp and this is jihad to victory Jaahiliyyah nationalities but to raise the word of God and the empowerment of the religion of God, in the ground and remember the words of God (Ibrahim Mubarak and Amnoa you who do good works in the ground Itkhalafnhm Kmaastkhalaf who Mechanize them and their religion, who accepted them and Ibdlnhm of fear after Iebdony safer for me Eicherkon thing is that after the Kafr Vawlik are Reprobates) ratified the Almighty God ........

The military and the rule of Egypt

Mmaho customary for him to civilization Atold of a vacuum and there are always reasons, and not necessarily claim the data to the conclusion the results before they are .. And the mercy of God made his servants that is safe nothing happens, but willingly and he Aizlm one or Istzl some people never, but if pleasure in them that humiliate themselves Basianh God McCann slow villages without guilt and Ayazb one without sin and He has sent Messengers who gave good news as well as warning and calling people to monotheism and not polytheism and Ivkrohm that the day The time is right and the other is coming ...... so it should know it may be that you dislike Xi is better for you and the elimination of God, who is the courtyard to his servants, and death, long or short their life is not an eternal one in the universe, but Lord of the universe and that the King is the owner of King Azzoocal King gives to whom He will, albeit an unbeliever God has given the king. And Maardth than those provided does not explain that something Javi one but that this is as plain as the sun ... And history is always repeated and re-events and may be surprised in the browser history book, reading the pages that Maigrah is the past, present and perhaps future .. Fimachaph and the history between the events and memories I find something unique may have been passed by the mind through the eye quickly did not work out well ... This matter is related to Egypt ... that country which we all know its history and its prominent role in pushing several dangers of Islam and Muslims since it opened in the era of Farooq and even a long time and not now. Which considers the history of Egypt and the history of the ruled surprised by is amazing maybe repeated with several countries in the region and perhaps alone in Egypt alone fame in this area ... that the military and the soldiers only are they ruled only .... only the leaders and the military over the ages .. ....

  • The kings of Egypt Pharaohs

Released the name of the Pharaoh of Egypt, has been said and the Nile Valley Vahtar scientists say that there is a language or any association between the word Pharaoh, and between the Nile River .... But everyone knows that the title of Pharaoh, ruler of ancient Egypt, called the governor also called on the Persian Chosroes, ruler of the Roman Caesar. And the Pharaohs Kmathbt they're families are different rolled on the rule of Egypt in the periods of different divided scientists into three periods .. the old state and the Pharaohs of that State were military Astbdadion of the degree and got them to harness the ancient Egyptians to build the tombs of them fired by the name of the pyramids for the thing only to beliefs trivial and religions idolatress The irony is that Almsriyon Whether old or new, most still consider the pyramids as the influence of Egyptian civilization, on the other and it was unclear what Fara'id its time it's just the graves of their kings to be buried in the queue to return a second time, thinks it's soft and will not only find Narjhnm, outside the city rejected. Central and State Fraantha not be less than their predecessors if ..... and the modern state and the military dominance has reached the army was Fraantha is everything.

  • Hyksos invasion of Egypt ...

Baz sure that scientists do not Galbhm that the Hyksos invaders of Egypt are the first in the history of post-unification or a civilization on the banks blamed her ... and they gathered all the tribes attributed some of the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Palestine Kanaaniyon who founded the city of Aursalm (Jerusalem Post) ... and divided Egypt two parts, the northern part of the Hyksos in the hands of the occupiers and in the southern part Idamra good and level and Hola who then expelled the Hyksos from Egypt and even to impose their control over Palestine and the Levant. And the Hyksos in their rule was coming from the military rule of the occupier of a country not his own will not resort to subjugate the country, but the army,.

  • ... The Persians had not been delivered Egypt from the invasions of the Persians, who extended their state and the invasion of Cambyses was made after they have low status and domination of Pharaoh, and before it became subject to the Assyrians and Babylonians.

It seemed the Persian military rule of Egypt, which does not need a lot of the description to highlight the role of the military in governance, I mean in the occupation of the country was the ruler of the leaders of Persia.

  • Greeks ... started all attacks on the Persians Tsdtm Balkans with EU aspirations of the Greeks and was able to turn men away to the Greeks and the Persians take over parts of the kingdom and Egypt, which was entered under the banner of Alexander the Macedonian.
  • Ptolemy .. Badovap Alexander the Great I am confident everybody that he has no heir, or that his successor could not rule in the state of his father arose several States was founded by senior commanders of Alexander, Egypt was the share leader of them is named Ptolemy, who appeared to rule a new strain was in permanent conflict with the Hellenistic kingdoms, which was founded on the ruins of Alexander's empire was a permanent war and the king was a military leader and the ruling depends on the military and this continues until the last of which was Cleopatra, which were not less than her grandparents led to military intervention in Other Affairs will become a great outrageous.
  • The rulers of the empire Romanian

Rome City Tzdahr day after day, led the legal system in which, and based on the rule of the people itself to its presence as a force began to grow and grow up to devour everyone .... and started all expansions Rome in her time Republican to subject most of Europe and then the invasion of Octavius, first Emperor of the Romans, known from August to Egypt after the defeat of Cleopatra and her ally in the battle of Actium .... since it became the rulers of Egypt and the rulers of the Roman Emperor in Rome Ioulihm.

  • The rulers of the Byzantine Empire

In all countries and empires since the civilization has always dominated the state and are seized with tendencies of aggression and ambitions of their leaders in the colonial domination and expansion, and then ... fall and fall and Tenshak crushed by force, less is strange that this happened with the Empire, Romanian, which reached the maximum breadth, and then disease of corruption rampant them even crumbled Srouhha under Taip barbaric attack fierce barbarians Hola are assets that belong to them Teutons, Germans and Saxons and the evangelicals and the Franks and Goths and other peoples of Europe today who boast of civilization, which downed .. so suddenly divided the empire and then landed the western part of her and remained with the eastern part. On the Bosphorus city of Byzantium came a new governor and the new religion of Constantine the first Moses Romanian Byzantine Empire East which is known for short state of the Roman Aptny Abtant his city and his mother with the Church of garbage. And therefore moved Egypt from the old state custody to the custody of the governors of the Great Byzantium who called her family started sorts of humiliation and oppression based on the logic of military force even Coptic Christians have not escaped from the tyranny of the Romans and their trespasses even Vwjawa Persian invasion of Sham and Egypt.

  • Second Battle of the horse ..

With a weak center of the Byzantine emperor Chosroes was able to drive the Romans from the Levant, Egypt and even robbed the Church of Mafi garbage and that their invasion was second only God knows the horse and took control of the reins in Egypt

  • The governors of Hercules

Able to Hercules and was to the African to assume the throne of Byzantium and breaking the Persians after console their broken hearts rum and that the incident mentioned in the Qur'an and became Egypt under Roman rule again, but this time the worst and most violent .... Egypt was under the authority of three Hiyat ... civilian authority and the Cyrus and his origin is not from the Greek and Coptic ... and the authority of the Roman military garrison commander Alairj and religious authority ordered the loser does not lie with something rushed and supports pro-Egyptian and calls to rally around the conquerors. Islamic conquest (Amrbn Aas may Allah be pleased with him) Not going to his death, peace be upon him a few months until they were invading Islamic armies in the land of Iraq, even opened cities and armies of conquest rolled on the holy al-Sham. On the walls of Jerusalem was the Patriarchs and priests receive Faruq may God bless him .. There were heart palpitations Ahdakhar coming in fast and tense as he spoke with the Caliph of Egypt. And go this fast with his army commander never sent a messenger to bring him back .. and to the extent of fighting for the whole nation, and competes with some gospel and prophetic opening of Egypt. The incident took place off the armies and from Egypt to open the African, Morocco and Andalusia. And became Egypt and the Islamic state ..... but not condemned to light only the army, did not enter Islam, but Soldiers right .. was not the Romans to leave her Alabalaskar .... did not win the soldiers Islamic power .. but the strength of his message and injustice and tyranny which was published by the empires that preceded the appearance

  • Caliphs and rulers ....

Aas Amrbn took the mandate of Egypt three times ... The first time when opened in the era of Umar ibn Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, becoming Egypt and the Islamic state of the Caliphate State, which has, after the death of the Prophet peace be upon him and continued until Hunt succession in the Abbasid period two, and then isolate Amrotoly Abi Sarh in the reign of Osman and the second time of his mandate when he came back the Romans and occupied Alexandria Vndb Osman, may God bless him and them, Amr is true that the scar was only to fight the mother of the mandate, but also the third term is more correct and was in the era of Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan, God bless them. The rulers of the Umayyad caliphs .... Succession of Muawiya class scientists Islamic history of this era Balasralamuy amounted to succession the height of its strength and breadth of Egypt was the mandate of the Islamic paid by the Caliph in Damascus and to him and the first rulers of Egypt after Amr in the life of Sid was Abdullah bin Amr may Allah be pleased with them and was the last ruler in Alasralamuy Obaidullah bin Marwan bin Mohammed bin Marwan bin Umayyad rule Caliphs and governors Alabasiewn .. After the strife that ensued at the Umayyad dynasty was able advocates and captains call the Abbasid caliphate in Khorasan to declare dropping the Umayyad Caliphate, and crawl from the east to put their passengers in the African Hurricane black color Rayatem and Egypt became affiliated to the Abbasid caliphate based in Iraq and was the first governors of Egypt in the Abbasid era Abdullah bin Ali Abbasi then his brother was in favor of another and accused the Turkish Ahmudbn Toulon. The disparity between the governors of the Abbasids continued between them and the stable has had in Egypt, several countries in the second Alasralabasy was Itzmy Prince Awalsultan while maintaining obedience and allegiance to the Abbasid caliphate ultimate examples of these Ataiwlaunayn and Alikhchid and the Ayyubid and Mamluk.

  • Fatimid State

Despite numerous attempts to Alawite Neil succession, but they are in their struggle long with the Umayyad and built Abbas did not get nothing but murder, imprisonment, exile and who wrote them God Almighty escape from this very few have established some of the United Arab Emirates on the outskirts of the Islamic state was the first of whom Idris bin Abdullah Al Alawi, who set up their own after Harun al-Rashid fled from Morocco and came down .. And other structures Tabataba and others who ruled Tabaristan in Iran or Yemen. Until suddenly Zhrvy African advocates of a man claimed to be affiliated with the Fatimid Mahdi Obaidullah to Ali Ibn Abi Talib and Fatima Zahra, may God bless them. And the varying genealogists of emphasis and the patch, it is said that the proportions correctly and said that it is false and Ayamakan it, it is not the percentages and only took them the majority of scholars that they are not from the top and he Atsah them Amamp for Muslims to Chiahm them and show them idle in the prophet and Alkhalifty the first and second understanding, rejecting But they managed to get into Egypt and the elimination of Ikhshidis and also bring down the Sunni extremism in the prophet and not to mention what happened in Ahdalhakm of hyperbole in the rejection and disbelief, acute ... Again and Egypt are subject to the Lashkar-e-These are set up the new state.

  • Ayyubid Sultans

Despite the great jihad, which by the zinc in the Levant against the Crusaders, but it did not tend to them only after that could Assaddin SA Neal and Ministry of Fatimid synergy to pave the way for Saladin to drop the engagement of the Fatimids and the announcement of the Abbasids to return Egypt to the orbit of the Abbasid state was nominally either actually is Badovap Nour Mahmoud Salah al-Din set up and managed his state and the unity of Bjendmsr Msrwalcham to win major victories on the Frankish armies and crowned his military liberating Jerusalem .... The reign of his successors the most Maicon military rule of the outbreak of wars and the role of Egypt Asalepiep effective in addressing them.

  • Mamluks .....

The conflict between the warlords House Ayoby power to bring slaves from the slave markets, young and trained in horsemanship and war until he became the strength of the army in Egypt and Syria from the Mamluks, who arrived in their influence to senior positions as driving the army in Egypt under Saleh Ayoub, who was able to simplify his authority on the Levant and Palestine through them that after his death, torn to state and kill the Mamluks of his son and took power in Egypt, his wife tree Durr is owned by the Sultan, which paved the way then for the rule of the Mamluk state, which extended its authority on Msrwalcham and the Hijaz, Yemen, and was able to cope with the Tatars and the elimination of the Crusaders and their most famous kings victorious Qtz of Bahri Mamluk Alazahrbebars and Almansourqlawon and the sons of Najaf and Al-Nasser and Mamluk tower Qaitbay and Ghury. Governors Alosmaniyon Jihad after a long Alosmaniyon Turks could bring down the Muslims of the Byzantine State moribund, which was governed by a family crusade to Latin at that time, Constantinople and opened fired horn Jihad to open Europe. After suffering severe Sultan Selim I was able to eliminate the killing of his brethren, and to correct it to him, but one of his brothers fled to the Mamluk Sultan Bmsrwalcham Ghury .... The Astdam large between the major power extended its authority on the Islamic world and contained the Abbasid Caliphate and the power of developing countries began to widen even eliminated the Mamluks and income Selim I of Egypt to begin the chapter of military rule, which uses the Turks and the Circassian and the Mamluks to manage the Affairs of the country of Interior, regions and bring taxes from the peasants.

  • The French campaign

After the weakness of the Ottoman Empire emerged as the power of a European is in France and England led the fighting, including the beginning of the colonial policy Asalepiep in the colonization of the date of the peoples and hemorrhage abilities and led the fighting, including the establishment of a major revolution in France ruled the king and started all is a new plan to eliminate the enemy of France's first England, and to cut transportation to India and hit her in the death and control of trade routes and establish a French colony to be the nucleus of a French empire in Africa and the Arab World Abhrnapeleon Bonaparte on the scolex campaign freely for the occupation of Egypt. The country has become under the grip to begin the separation of the military conflict between France and England and Turkey to Egypt.

  • Mohammed Ali and his family

Although Macasah Egyptian People's Assembly of governors Circassian after the departure of the campaign for Egypt, but they have been caught in another trap ... a trap for the man kept working hard to acquire it, and power and maintains a state, and property, and so rode Mohammed Ali is actually from the Ottoman Empire after the wars among them inherited his sons after him, it fell Egypt under Crusader occupation of the English. • English ...... and Egypt signed under the occupation of Britain in Tmnmaip thousand and eighty-two after that succeeded in eliminating the resistance, led by Ahmadaraby. • occupation continued for decades in Egypt, Egypt was effectively managed by the governors of the English fans call themselves different names with the survival of a prince of the family until the top of the First World War ended and Msran independent of the Ottoman Empire and its ruler, Sultan, and nicknamed King • King Farouk and the rule of Egypt Although survival in the English Channel, but Farouk I was exercising its sovereignty over the country in spite of provocative interventions by Britain, which reached its peak during World War II, becoming a British embassy is a House rule in Egypt. • revolution and the establishment of the Republic With the tyranny of the royal Farouk and political corruption that has spread in the country and the defeat of Egypt in the war in Palestine, which paved the way for a Jewish state coup in the ranks of the army, which named the movement in July was one of the results of dropping the rule of the ethnic Albanian family emergency and inauguration of the Egyptian ruling the country. And thus returned military rule Egypt as they were. Although Maadrzinah the path to include the historical rulers in Egypt, but we Raiina that the military are those with power and authority. This Maihtaj us to stand at this ... Do clones and people of Egypt and the volatility of intolerance and sectarian Mmilesm that was forced to be a military ruler? Is the nature of the categories of people need to be an officer, and a link? Do not suited only to the military rule? If it has anything changed with the coming days, Will has the power to the military? Does it was hereditary also expect most of the Egyptian people do move the army to seize the opportunity to dissatisfaction with the Egyptian people about the system and the absence of Aldemutracip and multiple disadvantages of Republican rule?

You will be the rulers of Egypt in the coming era Military Officers ....? Or is there another opinion of the Egyptians? .. The question remains unanswered pending ........ الاستماعقراءة صوتية للكلمات

Ahmadis in Egypt

Al-Ahmad Al-Yousef Bin Umayyad they Kfraheik Delta governorate of Egypt, Arab Republic of ...... And belong to the Umayyad caliphs Andalus where the ends ratios Yusuf Walid ibn al-Hakam ibn Abdul Jabbar bin Abdul Rahman Al-Nasser first dubbed succession in Andalusia (Spain - Portugal), the grandson of Abdul Rahman inside known hawk of Quraish head home Umayyad Andalusian and the founder of the Umayyad Andalus after the fall of the Umayyad caliphate in Damascus the hands of the Abbasids. Download Alwaleed bin rule or his father, Morocco following the seizure of al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir power in a succession of Hisham pro-Allah ibn al-Hakam al-Mustansir bin Nasser al-Din Allah Umayyad and the eyebrow, architect of the state of the younger pro Fastbd Mansour Sultan under the Umayyad, who swooped down on his successor, then the divisions cause of division and the loss of Andalusia .... He has stayed Ould al-Walid in the Maghreb even entered a son named Ali Bin Abdullah Bin Al-Waleed Egypt after several centuries was in the reign of Zahir Baybars Abanndgary It was such as the French campaign on Egypt in the state on your great deputy of the Ottoman Empire ...... And settled on the bin Abdullah Umayyad Egypt and from each tribe Cdiyon They stayed in Egypt and most of them migrated to the Levant, Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula ... But the Egyptians understand them belong to the Yusuf bin Ahmad bin Ali bin Abdullah Umayyad ... and let them know in the Nile Delta province of Kfraheik Balhamadat or the Joseph ....... And some of Mahmoud Ben Hamada (and his name is Ahmed) ibn Yusuf ibn Ahmad bin Ali bin Abdullah Bin Al-Waleed bin Abdulrahman bin Mohammed bin Loay bin Malik bin Nafi bin Talha bin Adnan bin Abdullah bin Muhammad ibn al-Hakam ibn al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abdullah Bin Al-Waleed ibn al-Hakam ibn Abdul Jabbar bin Abdul Rahman Al-Nasser. And Nasser, who was born inside Abdulrahman bin Muawiya bin Hisham bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan bin Hakam bin Aboualas bin illiteracy bin Abdashms bin Abdmnav named Amr ibn Qusay, and his name is Zaid bin dogs ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr, nicknamed Baqric ibn Malik ibn Nadar bin Kenana bin Khuzaymah aware of bin bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin contagious bin Adnan. Adnan, born Ismail bin Ibrahim, peace be upon him peace be upon him.

   There are those who say they came from Sgelmasp in the Maghreb and the Alwaleed bin provision was in exile there, and that his sons were deployed after that some of them entered Egypt and some of them down the Levant will be said in his son, Abdul Malik bin illiteracy bin Abdullah Bin Al-Waleed was the first who came down the east coming from Morocco.

As for the bin Abdullah has got Egypt in the reign of the Ottomans and has a close al-Ahmed and it spread to his sons, some of them left for Egypt and some of them remained, such as Joseph. And the Joseph are in the Nile Delta village of villages Kfraheik they are few of them in rural areas, including in the city and designated relative to the common folk Alhamadat Ahmed bin Yusuf and his fame Hamada.

تم وسم نسب ال يوسف الامويين فى دلتا مصر للحذف السريع وفقا لسياسة الشطب وتم شرح السبب في قالب الشطب في المقالة.

إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذه الوسم قد وُضع عن طريق الخطأ، بإمكانك إيقاف عملية الشطب بوضع {{تمهل}} إلى مقدمة الصفحة التي رشحت للحذف (تماماً تحت قالب الشطب بالإضافة إلى وضع تعليق على صفحة النقاش يشرح وضع الصفحة. اعلم أنه عندما توسم صفحة للشطب، فإن كانت تحقق شروط الشطب المنصوص عنها في سياسة شطب فإنها قد تشطب دون أي تأجيل أو إنذار. رجاء لا تزل قالب الشطب بنفسك، لكن لا تتردد بإضافة معلومات إلى الصفحة لتحسين وضعها بحيث تتوافق مع معايير التنسيق والتحرير في ويكيبيديا. أخيراً، إن تمت حذف الصفحة، بإمكانك طلب استرجاعها في قسم الاسترجاع من الإداريين. Rafy راسلني 00:45، 26 مارس 2011 (ت ع م)